Preventive cupping means performing cupping on specific points in the body to prevent various modern diseases and stimulate blood circulation. These points are chosen according to specific medical and scientific theories. It is the theory of eliminating toxins, as well as reaction areas and stimulating the immune system.
It treats chronic and acute pain in cases of rheumatism, muscle spasms, and joint inflammation. It also reduces feelings of laziness and lethargy, gives the body energy and vitality, treats numbness in the hands and feet, some cases of paralysis and migraines, some heart diseases, and hardening of the arteries, and helps expand blood vessels.
It works to relieve pain resulting from training and in some cases helps to remove it completely by getting rid of lactic acid resulting from muscular effort during training. It also works to increase the secretion of some hormones such as (endorphins): which works as a natural pain reliever and improves mood and provides relaxation through the mild pain resulting from pricking or scratches on the surface of the skin and also the negative pulling of the cupping cup.